Parent Code of Conduct
PREAMBLE: Scouting works toward three aims, 1) growth in moral strength and character; 2) participating citizenship and pride in heritage; and 3) development of physical, mental, and emotional fitness. The principles of Scouting are found in the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Scout Motto, and Scout Slogan. The scouts are expected to live by these standards and use them to guide them in life. We expect both scouts and families to commit to these principles at all scouting events.
By agreeing to this, I hereby understand that my child(ren) will be attending a scouting event with “Ani” Chapter scouts. I further understand that all attendees, including my child and if applicable, myself, is to abide by the event rules and scouting standards. If my child is involved in any activity in violation of the event rules, Code of Conduct or activity deemed inappropriate by the scouting leadership, in accordance with policies and procedures set by the Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures, of Homenetmen, the scouting leadership reserves the right to send my child/family home from the event.
1. I will not force my child to participate in scouting activities.
2. I will remember that youth participate to have fun and learn life skills, and that the scouting program is for youth, not adults.
3. I will inform the troop leaders of any physical or learning disability that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.
4. I have read the event rules and will reinforce them with my child and ensure he/she understands the consequences of their actions.
5. I will be a positive role model for my child , by demonstrating positive support for all scouts, troop leaders, committee members, organization members, and other parents. I will refrain from publicly disciplining my child or other children during scouting activities, as I understand that is the role of scouting leadership.
6. I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and well being of the Scouts or other participants.
7. I will reinforce with my child to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence, and to seek leadership for help. If I have concerns, issues, or complaints I will calmly seek solutions with chapter leadership at a proper time and location, refraining from confrontations in front of children
8. I will promote an inclusive and equitable environment. I will demand that my child treat other scouts, leaders, parents, or volunteers (including non-members/venue employees, etc.) with respect, regardless of race, creed, religion, gender or ability.
9. I will support program leaders in teaching independence and instilling confidence by allowing my child to “try first”, and direct him/her to their leader next. I will act as a passive participant in activities, unless asked otherwise by leadership, or in moments where the safety of any participant is in danger.
10. I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the scouts ahead of any personal desire I may have for my child to hold a specific leadership position, advance in rank, or attain awards.
11. I will demand a healthy environment, refraining from alcohol, drug or tobacco use at all scouting events. I will insist that all other participants display the same restraint.
12. I will not send my child to activities if they are sick or contagious. I agree that I may be called to pick up my child in the unlikely event that they become ill.