Upcoming events.

Regular Activities
Opening Day! Our first event of the 23-24 Program Year with our exsisting and new scouts!
@Jollyman Park
Full Uniform

Advancement & Awards Ceremony
Join us for our end of Year Awards Ceremony and Campfire Program
RSVP here: www.aniscouts.com/rsvp

Regular Activities
CHRISTMAS EVENT - Regular Scouting Activities
@Jollyman Park
Full Uniform

Christmas in the Park - Tree Decorating - Ari & Arenoush
Our Tradition continues as we decorate a tree in Caesar Chavez Plaza
Specific group decorating date is TBD and will be announced later at the beginning of November
Dates and details are controlled by Christmas in the Park

Ari and Arenoush Outing/Monarch Butterfly
Ari and Arenoush hiking/butterfly sanctuary outing event
@Monarch Reserve

Fall Camp (Day or Overnight)
Our Fall Campout for our entire scout troop! Older scouts have a 2 night option beginning Friday evening, while younger Kaileeg and Artsvigs can opt in for a one-night overnight or a day camp.
Parents will drop off and pick up at the campsite (location to be disclosed to parents only).
More information to come

Regular Activities
Opening Day! Our first event of the 22-23 Program year!
@Jollyman Park
Full Uniform