Quad Chapter 2023 - Camp Rules

These rules have been created for the safety of all the attendees (children and adults). Whether this is their first camp, or they are seasoned campers, please take time to review these rules with your child before camp, so they know what to expect.

  • All bags will undergo inspection.

  • Scouts are expected to speak Armenian (to the best of their ability) during camp.

  • Going in and out of tents during daily activities is not allowed.

  • It is forbidden to leave the campsite without the hertabah's permission.

  • It is not allowed to use other scouts’ personal belongings without their permission.

  • All scouts should listen to any khmpabed and act accordingly.

  • All scouts should follow the camp cleanliness rules.

  • Scouts are not allowed to enter the following locations without permission:

    • First Aid Area

    • Kitchen

    • Tents other than their own

  • Eating inside the tents is not allowed.

  • Scouts are not allowed to make noise after “Lights Out” is announced.

  • Scouts are not allowed to use matches, lighters or anything that starts fires unless with permission and under supervision.

  • Scouts are not allowed to chew gum.

  • Scouts are not allowed to use cigarettes, tobacco products, drugs or alcoholic beverages at camp (Talk to a khmpabed if you have a prescription you must take). This is a zero tolerance policy and scouts will be sent home if found with these items.

  • Profanity is forbidden. Physical and verbal abuse, including roughhousing, fighting and making threats, will not be tolerated.

  • Forbidden items will be confiscated and returned to the scout at the discretion of the leadership at the end of the camp.

  • Camp leadership does not assume responsibility for lost or damaged items.