Scout Code of Conduct
PREAMBLE: Scouting works toward three aims, 1) growth in moral strength and character; 2) participating citizenship and pride in heritage; and 3) development of physical, mental, and emotional fitness. The principles of Scouting are found in the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Scout Motto, and Scout Slogan. The scouts are expected to live by these standards and use them to guide them in life. We expect both scouts and families to commit to these principles at all scouting events.
I acknowledge that I read (or have been read to) and agree to follow the event rules.
I promise to uphold the principles of Homenetmen and scouting, and act according to its code of conduct during the entirety of the event. I accept the consequences of my actions and understand that in extreme cases I may be sent home.
I will follow the directions of my scout leaders or other adults in charge.
I will treat all scouts and adults with respect, regardless of gender, age, ability or any other factor that makes us all unique. I will not bully any scout, neither with my actions nor my words.
I will keep my hands to myself, including unwanted touching or affection. Unnecessary or inappropriate physical roughness is not allowed.
I will respect the privacy of others. I will not enter a shared space (e.g. tent, kitchen, leader/adult area), without permission, or a private space (e.g. bathroom), if it is occupied.
I will respect the belongings of others. I will not touch or use anyone’s belongings without their permission.
I will not use foul language or language that offends someone. I will speak Armenian, to the best of my ability, at all times.
I will always stay with my troop/pack. I will not wander or leave the area without permission.
I will not disrupt activities or conduct myself in a manner that disrupts those around me. I will not make noise after “lights-out”.
I will always try my best when learning new skills. If I need help, I will ask my leader.
I will practice good sportsmanship and teamwork with my group.
I will not bring items not allowed to the event. I understand that if I do, it will be taken away.
I will be safe around fire or any sharp objects.
I will respect nature and follow the Outdoor Code. I will not touch any animals or plants.
I will clean up after myself and my troop. I will not eat in my tent or chew gum.
I will find and tell an adult if anyone is being hurt or is in danger.
I will try new things and have FUN!